Princess Maker Wiki

The Mermaid appears on the shore of the sea during your vacation if you happen to have one or more mermaid tears and haven't sold any of them.


Normal Mermaid

In Depth[]

Unlike Black Mermaids, she is a normal, unaltered mermaid. Victim of a Fishman, when he beats her she sheds tears that harden into jewels. If Olive has a Mermaid Tear, when she and her father go to the sea in vacation, she comes to shore in order to explain herself, have her tear returned to her and give her thanks to Olive for defeating the Fishmen, who haven't bothered her after she beat them up.


Mermaids can offer prayers of happiness as a reward for Olive's efforts.


By the Sea

These prayers gift Olive with an increase of 20 Sensitivity points and 50 Charisma points.
